
Food Waste

Food Waste across the world is a huge problem. Extrordinairy amounts of edible food are thrown away. These are ways to reduce that number.

Composting bins

If you have disposable fruits and vegetables, consider composting them! This will create fertilizer that you can then use in your gardens and lawn!

Food Pantries

If you have unsealed, unexpired food that you are not planning on using, bring it to your local food bank or pantry. This is a perfect way to help your community while also not wasting food.
Regrow It
If you have the roots of a vegetable, simply soak them in water! This will allow a new plant to grow off of it.

Textiles are often thrown away, but eventually fill up landfills due to their non-compostable nature. Here are ways to dispose of your textiles in a way to avoid this.

Sell it

If you have clothing or fabric in excellent condition that you no longer need, consider selling it! There are many online sites that allow you to do this easily, such as Depop.

Donate it

Another thing to do with clothing or fabric in excellent condition is to donate it or give it to someone. You can hand them down to younger family members, or even your friends. If you want to donate it, many organizations take old clothing, such as Salvation Army, homeless shelters, and womens shelters.
Recycle It
There are many crafts that you can do with old clothing. Check out this link for some inspiration!

Plastic is another major polluter of the environment. Because it does not break down quickly, it fills up landfills and is also in the oceans, affecting the wildlife. These are ways you can properly dispose your plastic items.

Determine What Type of Plastic it is

Inside the recycling symbol will be a number. By looking at that number, you can determine what way you should dispose of the item by using the next step.

Consult this chart

Using this chart, you can learn how to get rid of your plastic responsibly, and in a safe way for the planet.